Rohan Wilson

Director, Melbourne

At the beginning of a project, I spend time learning about the issues and understanding what people do, so I can design a building that helps them work efficiently and pleasurably. I never lose sight of the human element.

For over 25 years, Rohan has dedicated himself to crafting highly complex, challenging buildings. Working with Australia’s leading government, defence, education and research institutions, he has contributed to many high profile, award-winning developments. Tackling intensely complex projects and seeing them realised as buildings that function well is his greatest satisfaction.

Rohan’s strength is making the complex seem simple. Highly analytical, with a strong technical intellect, he starts by investigating the activities and processes of his client. Getting to the heart of what is needed, determines the foundation of how the whole building will work. He breaks this into parts and works from first principles to deliver projects that align with the original vision. A highly effective communicator, he works collaboratively to include everyone involved in the journey toward project success.