Ben Zoontjens

Director, Adelaide

As a director, it’s my aim to build a workplace culture that promotes professional development. I enjoy leading our team of designers to create spaces that enable people to be at their best in whatever sector they are in.

Ben is a highly experienced architect with over 25 years of expertise in the architectural industry. He thoroughly understands commercial, industrial, and defence projects and procedures, security, acoustics, building performance, and technical requirements.

Ben is passionate about design solutions; his technical skills and collaborative leadership style define his approach. Clients appreciate his skills in asking the right questions to gather essential information and advance the project, especially when the brief is ambiguous. He prioritises listening to different points of view and understanding stakeholders’ perspectives to define the project and identify core requirements.

As the lead for the defence sector, he enjoys complex and technically demanding projects and assembling intricate buildings. He provides significant value to clients by seeking rational and cost-efficient design solutions and testing options before selecting the best possible solution within the budget.